
Skills Discovery


Skills Discovery

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Monety - Fintech App

Skills Discovery

Simplifying recruitment for agile teams

Skills Discovery helps HR teams streamline recruitment and build agile, high-performing teams. With intuitive tools for creating role cards, skills portfolios, and automated talent matching, the platform makes recruitment and team building faster and more efficient.

Project overview

Skills Discovery is a web application built for HR to enhance recruitment and team-building processes. The platform enables leaders to create role cards, detailing the necessary hard and soft skills, along with the objectives of each job. Simultaneously, employees can build their own skills portfolio, outlining their capabilities, experience, and achievements. The platform employs a sophisticated algorithm to match roles with the most suitable employees, factoring in skills, tenure, and performance evaluations, offering a dynamic and data-driven approach to internal promotions and recruitment.

Target audience

The primary users of Skills Discovery are HR professionals and team leaders within companies that operate in agile environments. These users often struggle with manual recruitment processes that are time-consuming and prone to human error. The platform is designed to automate and simplify this process, enabling companies to quickly identify the best talent for each role and optimize team-building efforts.

The problem

In many organizations, the process of matching employees with open roles or internal promotions was traditionally done manually using Excel sheets or similar tools. This manual process was not only inefficient, but it also lacked precision, leading to mismatches and overlooked talent. The challenge for Skills Discovery was to replace this outdated approach with a seamless, automated system that could scale with the needs of companies, particularly those in fast-moving, agile environments.

The solution

Skills Discovery provided a solution to these challenges through a combination of innovative features designed to automate and enhance the recruitment process:

Skills portfolio

Employees can create detailed profiles through an easy, step-by-step process. The final product is a one-pager that summarizes their hard and soft skills, past experience, and performance metrics. This allows HR teams to have a comprehensive view of each employee’s qualifications in a standardized format.

Skills portfolio

Employees can create detailed profiles through an easy, step-by-step process. The final product is a one-pager that summarizes their hard and soft skills, past experience, and performance metrics. This allows HR teams to have a comprehensive view of each employee’s qualifications in a standardized format.

Role cards

Leaders create role cards in a similar guided process. The role cards clearly define the necessary skills, qualifications, and objectives for each position. This step ensures that both current employees and potential candidates are evaluated against specific role requirements.

Role cards

Leaders create role cards in a similar guided process. The role cards clearly define the necessary skills, qualifications, and objectives for each position. This step ensures that both current employees and potential candidates are evaluated against specific role requirements.

Team creation

The platform features a team creation tool that allows leaders to assign role cards to a team. The system then matches the best-suited employees to each role, ensuring that the ideal mix of skills is represented within the team. The result is what Skills Discovery refers to as the “super team”—a team optimized for performance and agility.

Team creation

The platform features a team creation tool that allows leaders to assign role cards to a team. The system then matches the best-suited employees to each role, ensuring that the ideal mix of skills is represented within the team. The result is what Skills Discovery refers to as the “super team”—a team optimized for performance and agility.

Algorithm-based matching

The core of Skills Discovery is its matching algorithm, which analyzes skills, tenure, and performance reviews to generate a ranked list of the most suitable candidates for each role. This automated process eliminates the need for manual comparisons, saving time and increasing the accuracy of the matches.

Algorithm-based matching

The core of Skills Discovery is its matching algorithm, which analyzes skills, tenure, and performance reviews to generate a ranked list of the most suitable candidates for each role. This automated process eliminates the need for manual comparisons, saving time and increasing the accuracy of the matches.

Design process

The design process for Skills Discovery was rooted in user-centered design principles, ensuring that the platform addressed the unique needs of HR professionals and team leaders while offering a user-friendly interface. One distinguishing factor of this project was the involvement not only in the design but also in the development of the tool, which allowed for greater control over how the final product aligned with the initial vision.


Research & discovery:

The process began with comprehensive research, which included interviews with HR professionals and team leaders to understand their frustrations with existing manual processes. Stakeholders were also involved to ensure the business objectives aligned with the user needs. This phase uncovered key pain points, such as the inefficiency of manual recruitment methods and the difficulty in identifying high-potential employees for internal promotions.


Research & discovery:

The process began with comprehensive research, which included interviews with HR professionals and team leaders to understand their frustrations with existing manual processes. Stakeholders were also involved to ensure the business objectives aligned with the user needs. This phase uncovered key pain points, such as the inefficiency of manual recruitment methods and the difficulty in identifying high-potential employees for internal promotions.


Wireframing & prototyping:

Once the discovery phase was complete, wireframes were developed to map out the core functionalities of the platform. Key flows included role card creation, skills management, and team building. Early prototypes were tested with users to validate the user journey, focusing on ease of use, clarity of information, and efficiency in completing tasks.


Wireframing & prototyping:

Once the discovery phase was complete, wireframes were developed to map out the core functionalities of the platform. Key flows included role card creation, skills management, and team building. Early prototypes were tested with users to validate the user journey, focusing on ease of use, clarity of information, and efficiency in completing tasks.


Testing & feedback

Multiple rounds of testing were conducted with real users from various industries. Their feedback was instrumental in refining the interface. For example, during user testing, it became clear that the process of building skills portfolios needed more guidance, so additional instructional cues were integrated into the flow. Continuous iteration ensured that the platform was both easy to navigate and powerful in functionality.


Testing & feedback

Multiple rounds of testing were conducted with real users from various industries. Their feedback was instrumental in refining the interface. For example, during user testing, it became clear that the process of building skills portfolios needed more guidance, so additional instructional cues were integrated into the flow. Continuous iteration ensured that the platform was both easy to navigate and powerful in functionality.


Development collaboration

Active participation in the development phase was key to ensuring the smooth implementation of design ideas. Real-time feedback loops between the design and development teams allowed for quick adjustments and ensured that the final product retained the original design goals, particularly regarding the matching algorithm and user interface functionality.


Development collaboration

Active participation in the development phase was key to ensuring the smooth implementation of design ideas. Real-time feedback loops between the design and development teams allowed for quick adjustments and ensured that the final product retained the original design goals, particularly regarding the matching algorithm and user interface functionality.


One of the most significant challenges faced during the development of Skills Discovery was transitioning a process that had previously been done manually into a fully unmoderated digital tool. This required balancing automation with flexibility, ensuring the platform could handle a variety of use cases across different industries while maintaining the simplicity and ease of use demanded by users. Additionally, it was crucial to build trust in the matching algorithm, ensuring that users felt confident in the system’s recommendations.

The results

The launch of Skills Discovery was met with strong positive feedback. HR teams and team leaders quickly adopted the platform due to its ease of use and the significant reduction in time spent on manual recruitment processes. Users were particularly impressed with the algorithm’s ability to match candidates to roles in a fraction of the time it took using manual methods.

Key outcomes included:

Faster decision-making: The platform significantly reduced the time it took to match employees with roles, which previously required manual sorting and comparison.

Improved accuracy: The matching algorithm provided a more precise match between candidates and roles, leading to higher satisfaction rates among hiring managers and team leaders.

Increased employee retention: By focusing on internal growth and helping identify high-potential employees for promotions, Skills Discovery played a role in improving employee retention within companies.

Learned lessons

Throughout the development of Skills Discovery, one of the most important lessons was the value of active listening—both to users and stakeholders. The ability to consolidate ideas and transform them into actionable features was essential in ensuring the platform’s success. Additionally, participating directly in the development phase provided unique insights into the technical challenges of building a complex tool like Skills Discovery, reinforcing the importance of close collaboration between design and development teams.


Skills Discovery successfully transformed how companies approach recruitment and team-building, particularly in agile environments. By introducing tools like skills portfolios, role cards, and a team-building feature, the platform streamlined processes that previously took weeks to complete. The addition of an algorithm-driven matching system further enhanced its value, offering HR professionals a powerful tool to optimize their teams and ensure the right talent is matched to the right roles. Skills Discovery not only improved recruitment efficiency but also fostered internal growth by identifying high-potential employees and providing opportunities for promotion.

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