Projects over
the years

Projects over
the years


the journey

I discovered storytelling, creating a special content to allow users to consume journalistic investigations in a simpler and more enjoyable way.

the journey

I discovered storytelling, creating a special content to allow users to consume journalistic investigations in a simpler and more enjoyable way.

Venezuela: Crimen sin frontera
Venezuela: Crimen sin frontera
Cali, ¿Un sueño atravezado por un rio?
Venezuela: Crimen sin frontera
Venezuela: Crimen sin frontera
Cali, ¿Un sueño atravezado por un rio?
Monety - Fintech App
Monety - Fintech App
Monety - Fintech App
Monety - Fintech App

The user
the center

Storytelling has evolved into full-time problem-solving, with the user at the core—balancing objectives, needs, and pain points seamlessly.

The user
the center

Storytelling has evolved into full-time problem-solving, with the user at the core—balancing objectives, needs, and pain points seamlessly.